Workshops Schedule:
Wish you could get a lot of cards made in one eve? Pick a date, there will be at least 2 dates to choose from for each workshop, so, join us for one or all of them! You will make 15 cards with all of your products in one handy kit! The only thing not included are the stamp pads, blocks and adhesives. The cost of the Workshop is just your products and if you want to use my blocks and stamp pads it will be an extra $5.
I have been so glad time after time to have so many cards on hand for those special occasions when I didn't have time to make a card!
G1064-Laughing Lola Card Workshop On The Go-$29.95...... November 7 and/or 8.
6 pm at my house. |
G1063- Frosted Card Workshop On The go- $29.95.....November 14 at 6 pm and/or on Saturday the 16th starting at 9 am at my house.
Alternate Christmas Card Workshop- This card workshop is one I have designed for you using the patterns from our how-to books and using the Christmas Paper Pack from the Christmas bulletin.We will make 15 cards-3 designs/5 of each-$29.95 **Special Note- This workshop you will need to call me with your order.
November 21 and/or 22.........6 pm my house
*Pictures coming soon.......
Z1038-My Acrylix Organiser makes a great holder for all those cards! |
Remember- Click on the shop button to purchase your Workshop On The Go Card Workshop. It takes at least 7 days for your product to get to you so, keep that in mind in accordance to the dates of the Workshops! Don't want to shop online? Feel free to e-mail me with your order at:
*I also have Tombow refills for $3 and the cartridges for $5.